科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究B 課題番号26280131 H26.4-H29.3
Support for unifying the “ba” and co-creation between separated groups with bodily media

Research objective

In a co-creative expression where people express with each others’ bodies, and strengthen their existence of connection between each other, it is Important for the “ba’s” function which positions a person’s place in a group. To take this into the current media technology, a bodily media to express “ba” is essential. In this study, we aimed to realize the co-creative expression between two geographically remote performer groups by using the shadow media, which we have been developing in our study, as a bodily media. To be more specific, this study is for ①:the bodily media technology for the stimulating the unification of the stage (“ba”) between the differing two performer groups, and ②: the bodily media technology to make the stage (“ba”) live up by expressing the effect of the audiences’ that are looking at the stage. Also, ③: we aim to realize a bodily expression workshop where multiple remote stages are connected, by developing a bodily media system with combining ① and ②, and realizing support for co-creation in remote places.


  • 研究代表者 三輪敬之 早稲田大学・理工学術院・教授
  • 研究分担者 板井志郎 早稲田大学・理工学術院・助教
  • 研究分担者 西 洋子 東洋英和女学院大学・人間科学部・教授

科学研究費助成事業 挑戦的萌芽研究 課題番号26540108 H26.4-H28.3
Remote support of co-creation expression by interaction Fog Box

Research objective

We aim to make the mobile communication devices which allow us to create expressions that are with representations committed simultaneously, in a complementary manner, and with each other by touching hands or fingers and move three dimensionally at distant places. To do this, the linguistic media that produce a “place of expression” is considered necessary. Thus, we focused on shadows and fog. Fog provoke us into touching then and shows the other party and spaciousness behind. Shadows indicate the existing position of the other and have a function to draw the body movement. On this research, by using these 述語性 we developed compact portable device, named Fog Box, and massive fog display in order to enable us to create the expression between “us” from the individual expression between “me” and “you” in distance. This challenging attempt is intended to pioneer the support of physical interaction towards the co-creation expression.


  • 研究代表者 三輪敬之 早稲田大学・理工学術院・教授
  • 研究分担者 渡辺貴文 早稲田大学・グリーンコンピューティングシステム研究機構・次席研究員

科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究B 課題番号25282187 H25.4-H28.3
Study about the merging of sympathetic embodied awareness upon co-creative bodily expression -from sympathetic embodied awareness of body to society-

Research objective

In this study, for the first step, by focusing on “sympathetic embodied awareness”, which is a phenomenon that occur during co-creative bodily expression, where the body and soul of one and other synchronizes in many different levels, and using “hand contact improvisation”, we aim to develop a bodily expression model to encourage the emergence of sympathetic embodied expression. Along with this, we aim to investigate about the dynamics for the emergence of sympathetic embodied expression, the development of the measurement method for the ability to encourage this emergence, and the development of research method for the mental and social change. To be more specific, we are going to hold a workshop for hand contact improvisation-centered bodily expressions ten times a year at the damaged areas (Ishinomaki town, Higashimatusima town, Miyazaki prefecture) from the Great East Japan earthquake, to investigate on the changes of bodily expressions and to revise and deepen the action models of the participants, and also to test out the measurement systems and the investigation methods at the same place. At the final stage of the project, by doing a quantitative analysis on the collected datas, we are going to investigate on the dynamic mechanisms between the sympathetic embodied awareness and the psychological and social changes in the individual, to evaluate from the results, the bodily expression action model that we have developed from the perspective of “from embodied co-creation to social co-creation”.


  • 研究代表者 西 洋子 東洋英和女学院大学・人間科学部・教授
  • 研究分担者 三輪敬之 早稲田大学・理工学術院・教授
  • 研究分担者 野口晴子 早稲田大学・政治経済学術院・教授


早稲田大学 理工学研究所 プロジェクト研究 H26.4-H29.3
The principle of sympathetic creation of field, and its application to communication technology

Research objective

It is considered that we need two technologies. The first one is to make space for locating the presence of its own, the being technology, and the second one is to support the function and expression of individual in the space, the doing technology. But for the wearable devices and the communication systems, current emphasis has been places on how to support individual function (doing). At the space, it is necessary to continuously improvise the drama of life by expressing complementarily and simultaneously. At the same time, the creation of sympathetic encounter with emotion shared is thought to be important. We have been researching the design technique of expression media which promotes physical awareness needed for the creation of encounter field and indicates the above by technically and experimentally for the first term and the second term. In the third term, we will research theoretically and experimentally about creation dynamics of the field and the way to revitalize or unify the co-creation field of the group from distance. And, through these studies, we aim to establish a design principle of Communicability capability assistive technology towards the existential connection by the act of the field.


Co-Creative Expression Media

Shadow Media System

By generating an artificial shadow which grows out of the foot, and by changing the colors and the shapes of it, we attempt to create a gap between the body and the shadow, to rise awareness to the body, and to expand the feeling of body to help create bodily expressions. 

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Shadow Avatar

We aim to create an avatar which, the atmosphere of the virtual space is transmitted to others by creating connections between this avatar and human through shadow. 

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Human-Nature Interface

Physicality sound media

We aim to develop a media system of sound related to the existing position of the person. Specifically, we attempt to support locational image creation by changing the presentation according to the position of the person.

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Fog Display

We will continue to create a new ways of display technology using fog, from closed plane world to open three-dimensional world.

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Communication & Embodied Interface

Hand-contact Improvisation

By measuring how people improvise bodily expressions with each other, we aim to develop a method for supporting co-creative communication.

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Rhythm Controller

By using the Kendo fight system with the Rhythm Controller that we have developed, we aim to discover how a person is generating their acts when people improvise the timing between others.

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Tactile Force Tablet

We aim to expand the possibility of expression and support co-creative expressions between remote locations by developing an interface inside a table PC, that can transform in many ways like sand or clay, and returns tactile force.

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Past Researches